FAQs - Erhard Busek Grant

Erhard Busek Grant

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Responsibility of the higher education institutions

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Call procedure

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  • Phase I: Higher Education Institutions (expression of interest)

    Phase II: Students (scholarship application)

    1. Phase I (expression of interest): Higher education institutions apply to the OeAD for the intended scholarship places for an Erhard Busek Grant as part of a formal expression of interest (submission deadline: 15.12.2024). They confirm that the academic and organisational support of the students at the higher education institution is guaranteed. A selection committee consisting of the BMBWF and the OeAD decides on the allocation of scholarship places.
    2. Phase II (scholarship application): Based on the allocated quota, the higher education institutions then select the best-qualified candidates from among those students who apply to them for a relevant Master's programme and put them forward to receive an Erhard Busek Grant. The students then apply to the OeAD (submission deadline: ongoing from 1 September 2025) to receive this scholarship. The scholarships are awarded after a final review of the formal requirements of the applications received.
  • The number of scholarship places applied for is binding in the event of an allocation opportunity. The selection committee consisting of the BMBWF and the OeAD reserves the right to reallocate available places.

Recognition and entry

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  • Higher education institutions will be informed of the results of the expression of interest by the OeAD (February 2025). After they propose the best-qualified students to receive the scholarship on the basis of the quota allocated to them and those students apply to the OeAD, the students and their academic supervisor will be informed by the OeAD by e-mail. 

  • If students have been awarded a scholarship, they will receive award documents from the OeAD with information on how to proceed. Information for OeAD scholarship holders and answers to frequently asked questions can be found here.