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Internationalisation of higher education institutions: Bologna Day 2024 looks into foreign-language …

21. March 2024Europäischer HochschulraumPress release

Innovative teaching and degree programmes strengthen Austria's position in the European higher education area.

OeAD welcomes 165 new partnerships between schools and cultural institutions

16. February 2024KulturvermittlungPress releaseSchool

5,400 pupils are taking part in the BMBWF's culture connected initiative

Education agency OeAD welcomes the BMBWF's DNAustria campaign

9. February 2024Science communicationPress release

As Austria's education agency we welcome the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)'s new DNAustria campaign and are happy to be on board as a partner.

242 memorials to victims of National Socialism in Burgenland are now part of the DERLA digital …

5. February 2024Holocaust EducationPress release

DERLA co-operation between OeAD, University of Graz and PH Burgenland presented in the presence of BM Polaschek and LH Doskozil.

Invitation to the Burgenland presentation: "Digital landscape of remembrance – DERLA Burgenland"

22. January 2024Holocaust EducationPress release

Persecution and murder of Roma during the National Socialist era. Event on 5 February 2024 in Oberwart.