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Erasmus+ programme : 85 million euros for the first few "European Universities"

26. June 2019European ProgrammesEuropäischer HochschulraumPress release

The University of Graz and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna are involved in this project.

Political adult education in Austria and Europe: Aims, methods and future perspectives

14. June 2019Press releaseAdult Education

The OeAD's EPALE Conference on June 13th explored the design of courses for political education and democracy education for adults.

20 Years Bologna Process: Benefits for the Austrian higher education landscape?

5. June 2019Press releaseEuropäischer Hochschulraum

Bologna Day in Vienna: Looking back on 20 years of the European Higher Education Area and setting the course for the future

Learning through experience: Recognising and using potential with Erasmus+.

9. May 2019Press releaseEuropean Programmes

The fifth Erasmus+ annual conference on May 8th, 2019 in Vienna was dedicated to experience-based learning. The brain researcher Bernd Hufnagl explained what stimulates our brains …

"OeAD macht Schule" - Symposium on digitisation in the classroom

2. May 2019Press releaseOeADSchool

The conference on April 30th at the Vienna Business School Hamerlingplatz aimed to strengthen the digital skills of teachers.