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Schulkooperationen im Donauraum mit eTwinning

16. June 2021SchoolBildungskooperationPartnerships

Lehrkräfte aus 13 Donauraumländern vernetzten sich online an zwei Tagen.

And the winner is - The CEEPUS Minister Price 2020 goes to the Medical University of Graz

9. June 2021NetzwerkBildungskooperationHigher Education

This year the CEEPUS network CIII-AT-0042 “Image Processing, Information Engineering & Interdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange" coordinated by the Medical University of Graz was …

60 Years OeAD: The “Al-Tour” Project

20. May 2021OeAD60Bildungskooperation

Increasing the quality, labour market relevance and social inclusion of training in the tourism sector in Albania

Call for applications Indonesia – Austria Scholarship Programme (IASP)

30. March 2021BildungskooperationCall

The IASP Programme offers students funds for complete Ph.D. studies at Austrian universitites. Applications can be submitted until 7th of May 2021.

Higer education forum Taiwan-Austria opened up new cooperation opportunities

25. March 2021BildungskooperationCall

New possibilities for cooperation were discussed within the framework of a virtual bilateral cooperation forum for higher education institutions.