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New OeAD regional project: Improving the quality of in-company learning

23. June 2022BildungskooperationVocational Training

In the vocational education and training systems in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia, too, the focus is on further strengthening different forms of learning in …

Workplace Learning in North Macedonia – Network Meeting

21. June 2022BildungskooperationVocational Training

Work practice coordinators from all schools of vocational education and training in North Macedonia exchanged their experiences on 20 and 21 June in Struga within the framework of …

eTwinning fördert Schulkooperationen im Donauraum

13. June 2022BildungskooperationEuropean ProgrammesSchool

Am 2. und 3. Juni trafen sich Lehrkräfte aus elf Ländern des Donauraums, um sich zu vernetzen und gemeinsam internationale Schulprojekte zu planen.

Increasing the quality of learning in companies – strengthening schools as competent partners

25. May 2022BildungskooperationVocational Training

With the new regional project “Enhancing the quality of the work of internship coordinators in Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia” the OeAD continues its focus on strengthening …

Information event: Teaching and learning at Ukrainian schools on 4 and 5 May 2022

27. April 2022NetzwerkBildungskooperationSchool

On 4 and 5 May the OeAD invites teachers to the online information event “Teaching and Learning at Ukrainian Schools” (for Austrian teachers)