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OeAD supports new vocational education and training law in Western Herzegovina

4. March 2024BildungskooperationVocational Training

The OeAD Regional Office in Sarajevo supports the canton of Western Herzegovina’s ministry of education in drafting a new vocational education and training act in Bosnia and …

Rückblick: ESF+ meets Erasmus+: „Held/innen und Vorbilder in und für Europa“

4. December 2023BildungskooperationEuropean Programmes

Wer sind denn unsere Held/innen heute und brauchen wir sie (noch)?

Visit of the Federal President Van der Bellen to the OeAD partner school CEITI in Chisinau

21. November 2023Bildungskooperation

Together with an Austrian delegation of representatives from media and business the Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen visited the Moldovan Centre of Excellence for …

Benchmark visit from the Finnish National Agency for Education

9. November 2023Bildungskooperation

From November 6-7, two representatives of EDUFI visited the OeAD to learn more about our work.

eTwinning-Donauraumseminar wurde zu „Danube Strategy Flagship“ ernannt

13. October 2023BildungskooperationEuropean Programmes

Die Veranstaltung hat bereits 130 eTwinning-Projekte zwischen Schulen aus Donauraumländern hervorgebracht.