Kunst ist Klasse! (Art is great!): 2nd call for applications

23. September 2024 KulturvermittlungCallSchool
 People lie on a stage and throw towels into the air.
Due to the great success of the first round of applications in the spring of 2024 the BMKÖS once again offers a funding programme for art and cultural institutions in all disciplines based in Austria.

Kunst ist Klasse! 2nd call for proposals

Funding for art and cultural projects with and for schools

Submissions are possible between 23 September and 28 October 2024

Due to the great success of the first round of applications in the spring of 2024 the Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport (BMKÖS) once again invites applications for the funding programme for art and cultural institutions in all disciplines based in Austria.
Support is available for participatory art and cultural projects with and for schools that introduce young people to different sectors of art and culture, spark their interest and curiosity, and help improve their (cultural) skills.

Further information (in German)