Award of the Austrian Development Research Prize 2019

2. December 2019 Development Research
Afrikanische bunte Stoffe mit verschiedenen Mustern
The Austrian Development Research Prize will be awarded for the 4th time in 2019.

The Prize will be presented to a main prize winner for outstanding achievements in development research and a junior prize winner for an excellent scientific article on "The importance of indigenous languages and cultures for sustainable cultural, social and economic development with regard to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)".

The Prize, which will be awarded by the Department of Education and Research for International Development Cooperation from funds from the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), will be presented by the head of department Mag. Barbara Weitgruber, MA. Dr. Andreas Melcher, Director of the Centre for Development Research (BOKU), will talk about the importance of science and research for the gradual implementation of the SDGs.

After the ceremony the BMBWF will host a reception. Admission is free; please register!

Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Time: 16:45 - 19:00; Venue: BMBWF, Minoritenplatz 5, Audienzsaal, 1st floor, 1010 Vienna

Invitation and programme

Registration for the award ceremony

More information about the Prize