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OeAD Country Talk Bosnien und Herzegowina, 11. April 2024 - Nachlese

24. April 2024BildungskooperationAlumniOeAD

Bei den 5. OeAD Country Talks standen die vielschichtigen Kontakte zwischen Bosnien und Herzegowina und Österreich insbesondere in Bildung und Wissenschaft im Fokus.

Technology Scholarship as a catalyst for personal and professional transformation

15. April 2024AlumniStipendium

Last year we had the pleasure to introduce Mohamed Salem, a Technology Scholarship holder from Egypt, who successfully graduated from the Master’s degree in Information and …

Preserving marine ecosystems – Dr. Kingtong’s fight against marine contamination

12. April 2024AlumniStipendiumForscher/innen

Dr. Sutin Kingtong, a biologist from Thailand, has come to Austria a few times since 2020 to carry out research projects with the University of Veterinary Medicine within the scope …

Synergistic Strategy: Advancing Research through Effective Collaboration

11. April 2024WissenschaftskommunikationAlumniEntwicklungsforschung

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nasimullah Qureshi a former scholarship holder and OeAD project partner from Pakistan reflects on the importance of research collaboration.

Invitation to Alumni Talk with Kahsa Tadel Gebre, Ethiopia

14. März 2024AlumniEntwicklungsforschung

Join us at the event on 25 April 2024 at 18:00 at the OeAD. Kahsa Tadel Gebre will share her personal and professional experiences during and after her stay in Austria.